What It’s Really Like to Have 11 Kids in the Summer — Day in the Life

  • I have 11 kids ranging in age from a toddler to young adults.
  • Since school isn’t in session, summer is when my family focuses on recharging.
  • Intentional routines remain important, but each day is less scheduled in the summer.

In the summer, my busy family of 13 embraces a more laid-back approach to daily life.

Engaging with and looking after kids in the summer can be difficult — I know that better than most. But if you’re not one of the lucky ones whose schools started back up in early August, we’re in the home stretch.

At this point, I’ve pretty much cracked the code for keeping my kids mentally sharp, entertained, and fed during summer break while still managing my household. Plus, we all get more time to enjoy each other’s company.

Here’s what a typical summer day looks like for me as a mom with 11 kids.

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