“The Long View” and “Earn and Invest” Podcast Interviews — Oblivious Investor

Just a quick reminder: if you’re interested in joining us this year for the 2023 Bogleheads Conference, I’d encourage you to register now, as the “early bird” ticket price only lasts through May 31.

I was recently interviewed on Morningstar’s The Long View podcast, as well as Jordan Grumet’s Earn and Invest podcast. In both cases, we were discussing my latest book More Than Enough. The conversations are very different though, with the Morningstar episode focusing more on the technical side of things, and the Earn and Invest episode focusing more on the psychological side of things.

I’d encourage you to give them each a listen. (As with the book itself, the idea is that the topics are relevant even if you don’t yet think of yourself as having “more than enough.”)

Other Recommended Reading

Thanks for reading!

New to Investing? See My Related Book:

Investing Made Simple: Investing in Index Funds Explained in 100 Pages or Less

Topics Covered in the Book:

  • Asset Allocation: Why it’s so important, and how to determine your own,
  • How to to pick winning mutual funds,
  • Roth IRA vs. traditional IRA vs. 401(k),
  • Click here to see the full list.

A Testimonial:

“A wonderful book that tells its readers, with simple logical explanations, our Boglehead Philosophy for successful investing.”
– Taylor Larimore, author of The Bogleheads’ Guide to Investing

May 29, 2023

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