‘Like He’s Some Adonis?’ (Video)

Donald Trump’s derogatory comments about Chris Christie’s weight did little to scorn the former New Jersey governor, who instead shot back on Sunday’s edition of “MediaBuzz,” “Oh, like he’s some Adonis?”

“Once Trump starting hitting back at you on a number of fronts, he took aim at your weight. What was your reaction to that?” Fox News’ Howard Kurtz asked Christie, who announced on June 6 that he is throwing his hat in the 2024 presidential election.

“Oh, like he’s some Adonis? I mean please,” Christie answered, earning a chuckle from Kurtz. Christie added that there are tens of millions of Americans who, like him, struggle with their weight and strive for improvement everyday, saying, “I continue to struggle and I continue to try to do better.”

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The former governor continued by arguing that his weight has not been a deterrent from serving his elected terms from 2010 to 2018 as he responded to Hurricane Sandy and worked upwards of 20 hours per day.

“What’s that got to do with my competence for office?” Christie asked. “I ran the governorship in New Jersey for eight years I think in a very energetic, successful way.”

“I don’t know what his point is,” Christie continued. “It’s like a child, a bully on the school yard who teases you and makes fun of you. But here’s my message to him: I don’t care what he says about me and I don’t care what he thinks about me.”

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Christie also encouraged Trump to avoid throwing stones from his own glass house. “He should take a look in the mirror every once in a while, maybe he would drop the weight thing off of his list of criticisms.”

Christie, whose previous loyalty to Trump took a steep turn in recent years, took aim at the former President when he announced his candidacy for the 2024 election, calling Trump a “bitter, angry man.”

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