Jen Psaki Spots GOP Lawmakers’ ‘Brazen’ Move To Tie Conspiracies With A ‘Bow’

MSNBC’s Jen Psaki bashed House Republicans for merging conspiracy theories as they backed a bill that would require proof of citizenship for people registering to vote despite it being illegal for non-citizens to vote in federal elections.

House Speaker Mike Johnson spoke outside the Capitol surrounded by GOP lawmakers last week as he proclaimed that there’s a “threat of non-citizens and illegal aliens voting” in elections although suchmovesare extremelyrare.

The former Biden White House press secretary knocked Republicans’ election fraud narrative as she flipped to clips of Johnson and senior Trump White House adviser Stephen Miller linking the non-citizen voting bill to a “wide open” southern border.

“What makes those remarks from Johnson and Co. even more outrageous is the brazen attempt to actually tie two right-wing conspiracies together all in one with a bow,” said Psaki, noting that the GOP combined its mass election fraud claim with the “racist and frankly dumb” replacement theory.

She added that it’s apparently “mainstream Republican dogma” that Democrats and elites are purposefully bringing migrants to America for the purpose of diluting political power.

“According to Johnson and his colleagues, Joe Biden has opened the border to as many migrants as possible in order to activate them as fraudulent Democratic votes come November,” she said.

“That’s crazy. That theory is not only false and racist and dangerous and insane but it also crumbles under the slightest weight of the most basic questions.”

She tossed to a clip of Johnson stating “we all know, intuitively” that non-citizens are voting in federal elections before admitting it’s not easily provable.

“Non-citizens can’t vote. That’s already a crime,” Psaki later noted.

“At best, this Republican legislative push is a solution looking for a problem. But far more alarming — it’s intended to sow the seeds of doubt about our country’s elections should Donald Trump lose.”


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