How to Choose Your Career: Venn Diagram

Despite my great affinity for Venn diagrams, I don’t recall seeing this one about how to choose a career by engineer/comedian Don McMillan. I found the routine through a random YouTube video recommendation:

Here is the slightly-less-likely-to-offend version from @donmcmillan, which swaps “OCD” for “anal retentive” and “lawyer” for “politician”:

Definitely some truth in his humor. I’ve definitely cycled through enough jobs to know that I am not a good fit. I could fake it for a while, but it just gets exhausting. You definitely want to choose a career that fits your personality:


p.s. Here’s a random bonus Venn Diagram of three vegetarian recipes from the NY Times:

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How to Choose Your Career: Venn Diagram from My Money Blog.

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