If It’s Hip It’s Here

June has arrived and there’s no better time to introduce you to Seth Smith Summer paintings. Inviting depictions of swimming pools at Midcentury Modern hotels, motels and private homes by the talented 43 year old artist will make you want to don a swimming cap and jump on in. Seth Smith Summer Paintings of Swimming…

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Data-Driven Health Management Platforms : Iterate Health

The ‘Iterate Health’ platform is a solution for health-conscious consumers to use as a way to elevate their everyday wellness and potentially increase their longevity. The platform is powered by a data-driven framework that utilizes quantitative improvement and qualitative reflection to pinpoint how a person can improve their lifestyle. Users can also enjoy visualized trends…

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China’s Last Emperor Puyi’s Timepiece Auction in Hong Kong Shines Spotlight on Patek Philippe’s Luxury Content Marketing

In the bustling city of Hong Kong, a riveting saga unfolds as the legendary timepiece of China’s Last Emperor Puyi takes center stage in a highly anticipated auction. This extraordinary event not only signifies the convergence of history and luxury but also exemplifies the artful content marketing strategies employed by Patek Philippe, the renowned Swiss…

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