DuPont, Nike, KB Home are stocks to watch

SAN FRANCISCO (MarketWatch) — Among the companies whose shares are expected to see active trade in Friday’s session are DuPont, Nike Inc., and KB Home. DuPont DD, -0.93{dec8eed80f8408bfe0c8cb968907362b371b4140b1eb4f4e531a2b1c1a9556e5} : The chemical company late Thursday cut its second-quarter and full year profit outlook due to worse-than-expected performance of its agriculture unit. Shares fell 1.9{dec8eed80f8408bfe0c8cb968907362b371b4140b1eb4f4e531a2b1c1a9556e5} in extended…

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Opinion: This mutual fund may have cracked the ‘Buffett Code’ — Berkshire Hathaway’s secret sauce

For the 55 calendar years from 1965 through 2019, Berkshire Hathaway’s stock rose at an 18.6{dec8eed80f8408bfe0c8cb968907362b371b4140b1eb4f4e531a2b1c1a9556e5} annualized pace, versus 11.8{dec8eed80f8408bfe0c8cb968907362b371b4140b1eb4f4e531a2b1c1a9556e5} for the S&P 500 SPX, -1.34{dec8eed80f8408bfe0c8cb968907362b371b4140b1eb4f4e531a2b1c1a9556e5}  . (Both returns reflect reinvested dividends.) Warren Buffett can take credit for this, and he appears to be very much in charge of Berkshire. But, given that he just…

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Superdrol Cycle Dosage, Results, And Side Effects

A designer steroid, Superdrol is an extremely popular oral steroid that is used by many athletes. Since It was first released as a prescription drug, Methasterone has become one of the most desired products among bodybuilders. Methasterone has gained extreme fame due to its positive properties like rapid gain of lean muscle mass without any water retention, alongside a significant increase…

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