Archaeologists discover a lost world of 417 ancient Mayans cities buried in remote jungle, connected by miles of ‘superhighways,’ WaPo reports

A view of a Maya temple at the el Mirador archaeological site in the Peten jungle, Guatemala August 24, 2009.Reuters/Daniel Leclair Scientists in Guatemala have discovered “the first freeway system in the world,” The Washington Post reports. Archaeologists have found ancient Mayans built 417 cities interconnected by 110 miles of “superhighways.” Historians to rethink what…

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How to Choose Your Career: Venn Diagram

Despite my great affinity for Venn diagrams, I don’t recall seeing this one about how to choose a career by engineer/comedian Don McMillan. I found the routine through a random YouTube video recommendation: Here is the slightly-less-likely-to-offend version from @donmcmillan, which swaps “OCD” for “anal retentive” and “lawyer” for “politician”: Definitely some truth in his…

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Investors dump stocks at record pace

The word of the week for investors was “sell.” Mom and pop investors are dumping their investments and moving to cash at levels not seen since the financial crisis of 2008. It’s an “investor revolt,” is how Credit Suisse characterized it. Normally when investors panic about stocks falling, they sell stocks and buy bonds, which…

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