100% Stocks The Best Portfolio For Both Accumulation and Retirement Income? — My Money Blog

The academic paper Beyond the Status Quo: A Critical Assessment of Lifecycle Investment Advice by Anarkulova, Cederburg and O’Doherty had a conclusion that caught my eye. From the abstract: We challenge two central tenets of lifecycle investing: (i) investors should diversify across stocks and bonds and (ii) the young should hold more stocks than the…

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COVID: there’s a strong current of pandemic revisionism in the mainstream media, and it’s dangerous

COVID: there’s a strong current of pandemic revisionism in the mainstream media, and it’s dangerous By Lukas Engelmann, The University of Edinburgh and Dora Vargha, Humboldt University of Berlin There is no clearer marker that we are now in the “after” phase of the pandemic, than the proliferation of public inquiries, reports on lessons learned and…

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