Bradley Cooper wore a fake nose to play a famous Jew. Critics say it plays into antisemitic tropes

A trailer for Maestro, an upcoming biopic about the late Jewish-American composer and conductor Leonard Bernstein, was released on Tuesday — but director and star Bradley Cooper was criticized for wearing a prosthetic nose to portray Bernstein, with some calling it antisemitic. Historically, antisemitic caricatures have depicted Jewish people as having exaggerated physical traits such as hooked…

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Liverpool’s International Slavery Museum Becomes the Latest Institution to Cut Ties With Disgraced Starchitect David Adjaye

Liverpool’s International Slavery Museum is the latest cultural institution to cut ties with Adjaye Associates, more than a month after the Financial Times reported on serious accusations of sexual misconduct against its founder, David Adjaye. The museum will nonetheless forge ahead with his designs for its £57 million ($72 million) redevelopment project, hiring another firm…

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