
Tracking Investigations In Eric Adams’s Orbit

Investigations into Adams and associates Adams, his campaign and Turkey Senior City Hall aides and associates Former police commissioner’s brother Eric Adams Timothy Pearson Philip Banks&nbspIII David C. Banks Sheena Wright Edward A. Caban Winnie Greco Brianna Suggs Eric Ulrich Rana Abbasova Raul Pintos James Caban Terence Banks Dwayne Montgomery Cenk Öcal Queens precinct commander…

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Honoring Afro-Latinos during Hispanic Heritage Month

Sept. 15 marks the start of Hispanic Heritage Month. Far too frequently Afro-Latinos here in the U.S.—people with both an African heritage and one from Spanish-speaking countries—aren’t prominently portrayed as representative symbols, nor are their contributions to U.S. history  common knowledge.  We have communities here with people born or descended from Caribbean island nations where…

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