‘And Just Like That…’ Season 2: Episode 10 Recap

OK, but I’m trying to understand Nya’s logic in buying that expensive gift for her ex Andre and his new baby mama. Like, sure, I get it would be a flex, but the way I would never acknowledge him and that relationship, especially if we aren’t even really at the point where we’re having conversations about our new boos and our lives post-divorce, why on earth would I spend a dollar on you and your new future? No. Shoutout to Miranda for essentially closing her laptop before she could make that purchase. Also, when Nya said she wishes she could just cut off her exes like Miranda, I felt that. — Erin

I agree with you, Erin, and at first, I was thinking the same thing Miranda was thinking: “Close that laptop, Nya! Walk away! You don’t owe him anything!” But I did get a kick out of Nya getting to stick it to him one more time, like, “Don’t mess with me! I’m a successful Columbia Law School professor with a lot of disposable income!” Maybe this is one of those things that in real life would be ill-advised, but on a show like this, it’s very fun to watch. The confidence! The dramatic flair! — Marina

I also thought this was a bizarre decision on Nya’s part, but if it makes her feel better about the situation — have at it! I loved the push-and-pull she and Miranda had in this scene together. — Curtis

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