Adding 2 Names To The Stocks I Follow ($SEND, $SFIX)

Exciting times these days as a few new companies went public in recent weeks. While these are not the big ones that I’ve been looking forward to (Uber, Airbnb, Lyft and Dropbox among others), it is still very nice to have more trading options and while I never expect to trade recently turned public companies initially, I will be following news, earnings and will certainly comment when there is a good opportunity.

Sendgrid (SEND) is a new SaaS company which is nice to see given the lack of options (apart from Salesforce-CRM) as the numbers work out very differently when the costs involved are structured upfront and are paid off over several years. This breakdown of revenues is one great example:

SendGrid has over 50,000 paying customers that send 35 billion (yes, billion) emails every month! Crazy right? I will be following SEND’s progress over the next few months.

Stitch Fix (SFIX) is the second company I’m adding to my list and will be very interesting to follow. Like SEND, there are parallels with another public company but a less successful one (to say the least) as SFIX is similar to Blue Apron (APRN) by its model (sending a box of goods – in this case clothes) to paying subscribers. While they do not yet face competition from Amazon in that exact segment, it could be right around the corner and is clearly a threat. The story behind the company is a great one though as it is led by a 34 year old female, a rare thing in the tech space. She is also a young mother and brought her toddler to the IPO as you can see here:

Obviously, that is not enough for me to buy the stock but it is an interesting company that I will be following despite some obvious concerns with its model and possible competition.

I’d love to hear any thoughts about these 2 companies if you have any!

SOURCE: Intelligent Speculator – Read entire story here.