Your Career and Finances Horoscope for October: Turn Setbacks Into Breakthroughs

Astrologer Valerie Mesa shares your career and finances horoscope for the month of October

Career and finances horoscope

The energy is shifting dramatically this month, presenting significant challenges in your career and finances horoscope for October. While it may feel intense and unpredictable at first, the inevitable changes at play can be more favorable than you realize.

It began with a new moon solar eclipse in Libra on Oct. 2, highlighting what needs to come into balance in the realm of career and financial security. Eclipses are known to shake things up, which pushes you to reassess what’s working and what isn’t in ways you weren’t expecting.

In Libra, this eclipse emphasized themes surrounding partnerships, collaboration and justice (or a lack thereof) in the workplace. It’s a moment to consider how balanced your work-life dynamic is and whether your professional relationships are serving your goals — or holding you back.

On Oct. 9, Jupiter will station retrograde in Gemini, urging you to reconsider your current strategies, marketing plans and the way you’re navigating your professional network. As you revisit past decisions, it’s important to remember that this retrograde transit isn’t about immediate growth but about redefining your trajectory. Consider going back to the drawing board, revisiting old contracts or perhaps re-evaluating your investments.

The intensity picks up mid-month once Pluto stations direct in Capricorn on Oct. 11. This is equivalent to a green light from the cosmos, urging you to confront any power struggles or deep-seated control issues you’ve been avoiding. In Capricorn — the sign of ambition and structure — this transit focuses on your sense of authority, long-term goals and how you assert your power in a professional setting. If you’ve been holding back on making necessary changes in your career or business, this is when the need for transformation becomes unavoidable.

Mercury will slip into Scorpio on Oct. 13, adding a layer of intensity and depth to your financial conversations and overall decision-making process. The influence of Scorpio encourages you to dive deep into the details, uncover hidden truths and reconsider the way you’re managing shared resources and responsibilities. Whether you’re negotiating a deal, settling debts or considering new investments, expect intense and focused discussions.

The energy peaks on Oct. 17, during the full moon in Aries, bringing light to themes of autonomy, competition and the desire to take bold actions. This lunation could contribute to breakthroughs in your career, particularly for those who are self-employed or perhaps embarking on an entrepreneurial venture.

That same day, Venus enters Sagittarius, shifting the financial energy towards optimism, expansion and risk-taking. While transiting this adventurous sign, Venus favors exploration and opportunities that require you to venture into the unknown, whether seeking new clients, expanding your skill set or investing overseas.

Warning: Venus will face off with taskmaster Saturn on Oct. 28, which can feel incredibly sobering and restrictive, leaving you no choice but to consider whether your long-term goals and dreams are financially viable. It’s a reality check to any overly optimistic plans, reminding you that hard work and discipline are required to turn your dreams into reality.

Once the sun enters Scorpio on Oct. 22, the focus shifts to deeper financial matters and long-term planning. The energy of this Water sign encourages you to think strategically about the way you’re handling your financial resources and tending to your debts, investments and professional partnerships. Now would be the time to make decisive and significant moves that’ll set you up for long-lasting success.

Read on for what October has in store for your career and finances, according to your zodiac sign.

Related: Here’s What Your Biggest Challenge in October Will Be, According to Your Zodiac Sign

Aries (March 21-April 19)

Horoscope Sign Aries

Horoscope Sign Aries

The growth you seek financially and professionally is both doable and challenging, Aries.

When considering the solar eclipse that occurred in Libra — and your seventh house of commitments, compromise and significant others — this is a pivotal time for professional contracts and collaborations. It could’ve triggered a need or desire to redefine your working relationships, whether partnering on a new business venture or renegotiating terms with a colleague.

With Jupiter stationing retrograde on Oct. 9, there is a greater focus on your immediate environment, which can lead to delays or miscommunications in work-related matters. If you’ve been juggling many projects, this retrograde might slow down your pace, allowing you to review how you’re presenting your ideas. Double-check contracts, emails, and financial agreements to avoid confusion.

Once Pluto stations direct in your 10th house of authority and reputation, there can be a wake-up call around your professional ambitions, as power dynamics are suddenly brought to the forefront. Transformation is on the horizon, but it will require you to let go of any control tactics or outdated strategies that no longer serve your goals.

On Oct. 14, Venus will oppose Uranus in your financial sector, followed by Mercury on Oct. 30, which can lead to some financial shake-ups. Unexpected expenses or changes in your income could arise, making it important to stay flexible with your budget.

Shortly after, the moon will peak in your sign, inspiring you with the confidence and determination to take bold steps in your career. It’s a moment of personal culmination where your hard work begins to pay off, so be sure to own up to your professional identity and assert your goals.

Finally, once Venus squares off with Saturn on Oct. 28, you may feel inspired to invest in education, travel or spontaneous pursuits that could benefit your career. However, financial constraints may lead you to balance idealism with practicality. Ambitions run high, so make sure your goals are grounded in reality.

Taurus (April 20-May 20)

Horoscope Sign Taurus

Horoscope Sign Taurus

Being adaptable and staying focused on the long term will help you make the most of this transformative month, Taurus.

A pivotal moment in your career, October began with a solar eclipse in Libra, activating your sixth house of daily rituals and work routines. This eclipse offers a fresh start in your professional life, but it may also reveal inefficiencies in your day-to-day routines. You may need to implement new strategies that help you stay productive without burning out. 

On Oct. 9, Jupiter will station retrograde in Gemini, suggesting that it’s time to review your spending habits and financial goals. You may find yourself revisiting old plans, especially if certain financial strategies haven’t panned out as expected. This retrograde is a call to reassess how you manage your resources, and while it may feel like progress is stalling, it’s a chance to fine-tune your approach to money.

As  Pluto stations direct in Capricorn on Oct. 11, your ninth house of higher learning and expansion is activated. This can open doors for growth, whether through education, travel or exploring new career ventures. Get ready to step outside of your comfort zone to embark on these exciting opportunities.

Partnerships will also be a major theme this month as Mercury slips into Scorpio on Oct. 13. Negotiations and joint ventures are likely to be on your radar, and this is an excellent time to refine agreements and contracts. However, be cautious of the Venus-Uranus opposition on Oct. 14, as it could bring unexpected shifts in your professional relationships, forcing you to reevaluate your connection or perhaps rework your approach.

On Oct. 17, the full moon in Aries will ignite your 12th house of closure and unconscious patterns, urging you to release any limiting beliefs or past situations holding you back professionally or regarding your sense of authority. It’s also a moment for introspection — pay attention to any emotional or psychological blockages influencing your work life.

With Venus entering Sagittarius that same day — moving through your eighth house of shared resources, investments and debts — your focus will shift towards joint financial ventures or resolving long-term financial matters. You may need to reassess your investments, loans or savings plans, and it’s crucial to maintain clear communication with those involved in your financial decisions.

Be mindful of Venus’ square to Saturn on Oct. 28, as you may face some restrictions or challenges in managing shared resources or financial partnerships. It’s essential to balance your ambitions with a realistic view of your financial situation. The tension between personal goals and external obligations will be at the forefront, asking you to find a way to integrate both.

Gemini (May 21-June 20)

Horoscope Sign Gemini

Horoscope Sign Gemini

While October may bring challenges in managing partnerships and shared resources, it also offers opportunities for professional reinvention and growth, Gemini.

On Oct. 2, a solar eclipse in Libra touched down on your fifth house of passion projects, creative ventures and self-expression, encouraging you to integrate more passion and inspiration into your professional life. This signals a fresh start with a creative project or entrepreneurial venture, but it also asks you to balance personal expression with practicality.

Jupiter will station retrograde in your sign on Oct. 9, making this a reflective time for your professional image and personal ambitions. You may find yourself rethinking how you present yourself at work or revisiting past decisions. This retrograde asks you to slow down and reassess your career path, making adjustments that align with your long-term goals.

On Oct. 11,   Pluto will station direct in Capricorn — your eighth house of debts, transformation and shared resources — bringing intensity to matters surrounding loans, taxes and financial investments. If there have been ongoing issues with joint ventures, this could be a time when clarity emerges. Be prepared to address deeper issues around control and power dynamics in professional partnerships, especially if you’re dealing with collaborative projects or shared assets.

Your daily work life comes into focus as Mercury (your celestial ruler) enters Scorpio on Oct. 13, activating your sixth house of routines, health and work responsibilities. This transit sharpens your communication skills at work and encourages you to dig deeper into projects that require research or investigation.

This is followed by a full moon in Aries on Oct. 17, highlighting your 11th house of friendships, collaborations and long-term goals. This full moon could bring a project to completion or clarify your role within a team and professional setting. It’s a good time to evaluate whether your current networks and connections are supporting your career aspirations.

When  Venus enters Sagittarius on Oct. 17, partnerships become a focal point. This is a favorable time to strengthen professional collaborations, negotiate contracts or even attract new business alliances. However, you may feel tension around Oct.  28, when Venus squares Saturn, as it may cause delays or restrictions, especially if you feel torn between personal commitments and professional responsibilities.

On Oct. 22, the sun’s debut in Scorpio will further emphasize your sixth house of work and routines, as it is a time to focus on efficiency, productivity and staying organized. Keep in mind that Mercury will also be making an opposition to Uranus, triggering unexpected shifts and changes in your day-to-day affairs. The key is to remain flexible.

Cancer (June 21-July 22)

Horoscope Sign Cancer

Horoscope Sign Cancer

Be mindful of sudden shifts and stay flexible to navigate the opportunities ahead, Cancer.

October brings a dynamic shift in your career and finances, starting with a solar eclipse in Libra that activated your fourth house of home, family and emotional foundations. A fresh start, motivating you to realign your home life with your professional goals, this is the time to establish new routines or boundaries that support both areas of your life.

On Oct. 11, Pluto will station direct in Capricorn — your seventh house of relationships, commitments and negotiations — bringing a surge of momentum to your professional relationships. If power dynamics or unspoken issues have been brewing in business collaborations, this shift could prompt transformative conversations that help you establish a more balanced working dynamic. Be mindful of any control issues in partnerships and focus on cultivating a mutual sense of trust.

Mercury enters Scorpio on Oct. 13, sharpening your creative expression and communication style in the workplace, as it enhances your ability to present innovative ideas, which can be beneficial if you’re working on a passion project or seeking ways to stand out in your career.

However, with Venus opposite Uranus on Oct. 14, expect unexpected shifts in group projects or social networks that could disrupt your plans. Stay flexible and open to new opportunities, even if they seem unconventional at first.

On Oct. 17, a full moon in Aries — your 10th house of career and authority — signals a culminating moment as a significant project comes to a close or recognition for your hard work. You may also feel the pressure to balance your professional ambitions with personal demands, so be mindful of overextending yourself in one area at the expense of the other.

As  Venus enters Sagittarius on Oct. 17, your sixth house of daily routines and due diligence takes center stage. This is a favorable time for improving your work environment, focusing on productive routines, and attracting more harmonious connections with colleagues. However, Venus will square Saturn on Oct. 28, which may present challenges in managing expectations at work, especially if you’re trying to balance your daily grind with long-term goals.

The sun debuts in Scorpio on Oct. 22, further energizing your fifth house of creativity and self-expression. This transit encourages you to embrace your talents and approach your work with passion and enthusiasm.

Leo (July 23-Aug. 22)

Horoscope Sign Leo

Horoscope Sign Leo

October is a month for fine-tuning your communication skills, managing professional demands and balancing work-life dynamics, Leo.

It kicked off with a solar eclipse in Libra, igniting your curious third house of communication, thought processes and immediate surroundings. This presents you with an opportunity to refine your networking skills and build professional connections. This could be the perfect time to initiate new projects that require strategy and brainstorming.

On Oct. 9, Jupiter will station retrograde in Gemini — through your 11th house of associations, community affairs and social networks — so you may find yourself revisiting group projects or reflecting on your future aspirations in your career. This retrograde phase invites you to reconsider which long-term goals align with your vision and whether your current network supports your professional ambitions.

Pluto will station direct in Capricorn on Oct. 11, pushing you to regain control over your workflow. For instance, if there have been underlying issues with your responsibilities or efficiency, Pluto direct prompts you to make necessary changes. Tensions between work and home may arise, especially around the Venus-Uranus opposition on Oct. 14, when unexpected career shifts trigger disruptions in your personal life.

On Oct. 17, the full moon in Aries will light up your ninth house of expansion, bringing attention to the big picture of your goals, travel or education. This is a time to assess whether your current path aligns with your broader ambitions and values. You may also feel the urge to expand your horizons or take a bold step forward in your career.

Venus enters Sagittarius on the same day, energizing your fifth house of creativity and offering a boost in passion projects or ventures that bring joy and financial gain. However, with Venus squaring Saturn on Oct. 28, you may need to balance creative endeavors with more serious financial responsibilities as your eighth house of shared resources and debts comes into focus.

By the end of the month, a Mercury-Uranus opposition on Oct. 30 could bring unexpected news related to your long-term goals and career trajectory, encouraging you to stay adaptable in the face of sudden changes.

Virgo (Aug. 23-Sept. 22)

Horoscope Sign Virgo

Horoscope Sign Virgo

October is ideal for making adjustments that support your long-term success, Virgo. Stay adaptable and focused as opportunities and challenges unfold throughout the month.

It began with a solar eclipse in Libra, activating your second house of income, personal resources and financial security, signaling a fresh start in how you earn, spend and value your work. This eclipse energy is pushing you to reconsider your approach to financial security, making it an ideal time to review your budget, renegotiate salary or explore new income streams.

Jupiter will station retrograde in Gemini on Oct. 9, highlighting your 10th house of career and public persona, encouraging reflection on your professional goals. Progress may feel slower than usual, but this retrograde offers you a chance to fine-tune your ambitions and ensure they align with your bigger vision.

On Oct. 11, Pluto will station direct in Capricorn — your fifth house of creativity, acknowledgment and exciting projects — reigniting your drive to take charge of passion projects and professional ventures that bring you joy.

Mid-month, the full moon in Aries will charge up your eighth house of intimate affairs and shared investments, bringing closure or clarity to financial matters involving others. This could be a time to settle debts, negotiate contracts or review joint financial ventures. Be mindful of the emotional intensity surrounding these topics, as this lunation asks you to confront deeper issues related to trust and financial security.

On Oct. 28, you may need to manage domestic responsibilities while still pushing forward in your career, as Venus will face off with Saturn. Commitments in your personal and professional life could pull you in two different directions.

By the time the sun debuts in Scorpio on Oct. 22, communication will be pivotal in your professional life, particularly when negotiating deals or presenting ideas. Mercury will also oppose Uranus on Oct. 30, bringing unexpected news regarding travel, education and long-term career goals.

Libra (Sept. 23-Oct. 22)

Horoscope Sign Libra

Horoscope Sign Libra

While you may feel the need to push ahead in your career, balancing personal growth, financial stability and partnership dynamics will be essential for long-term success in October, Libra.

It kicked off with a new moon solar eclipse in your sign, bringing focus to themes surrounding your self-presentation, financial management and the way you balance your personal ambitions with practical matters. It’s a time to step into leadership roles, but you may need to be mindful of how this affects your work-life balance.

On Oct. 9, Jupiter will station retrograde in Gemini, activating your ninth house of higher learning and long-term vision. This retrograde invites reflection on your broader ambitions, whether gaining more wisdom or considering how your career aligns with your larger worldview. However, progress may feel delayed, so use this time to refine your strategies before moving forward.

If you’ve been feeling stuck regarding work-home dynamics, expect these issues to surface, especially as  Mercury slips into Scorpio on Oct. 13, activating your second house of income. This is a great time to assess your financial situation, create a budget or renegotiate work contracts to better align with your current goals.

On Oct. 17, the moon will peak in your relationship sector, indicating a turning point in a business collaboration or highlighting the need to balance your desire for autonomy and commitment. Be mindful of how power dynamics are playing out in your relationships, especially in relation to shared financial goals.

Venus enters Sagittarius that same day, shifting the focus to your third house of communication while boosting networking skills and inspiring you to build connections that could benefit your career. However, Venus’ square to Saturn on Oct. 28 warns of challenges when it comes to juggling work-related communications and the more practical aspects of your daily responsibilities.

Toward the end of the month, Mercury will oppose Uranus on Oct. 30, bringing surprising news surrounding your finances. Whether it’s a surprise expense or a sudden opportunity, you’ll need to stay adaptable and resourceful as financial changes unfold.

Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 21)

Horoscope Sign Scorpio

Horoscope Sign Scorpio

You’re being asked to confront hidden obstacles, refine your approach to shared resources and remain true to your value with confidence this month, Scorpio.

Starting with a solar eclipse in Libra — activating your 12th house of closure, healing and privacy — you’re encouraged to take a step back and your secret goals and work habits. You may feel the urge to purge anything in your professional life holding you back, whether it’s old fears, unhealthy patterns or unproductive work environments.

On Oct. 9, Jupiter will station retrograde in Gemini, activating your eighth house of mergers, joint ventures and shared resources. This may inspire you to re-evaluate joint assets, debts or even taxes, as this retrograde cycle is about slowing down and reassessing how you manage your financial commitments with others. Expect delays or second thoughts around investments or business partnerships, giving you time to recalibrate before making big decisions.

Your planetary ruler, Pluto, stations direct on Oct. 11, impacting your communication sector which can include contracts and negotiations. If you’ve been navigating power dynamics in work-related conversations, this shift helps bring clarity and momentum back to important professional discussions or negotiations that may have stalled. Expect greater intensity around how you communicate your ideas and assert your authority in professional settings.

Mercury enters your sign on Oct. 13, making your communication style more impactful and direct. This is a powerful time for pitching ideas, taking the lead in meetings or negotiating contracts. The energy supports you in confidently expressing your vision, especially in financial dealings or professional discussions.

On Oct. 17, the full moon in Aries will touch down on your sixth house of daily routines and work environments, emphasizing any lingering issues related to your workload or health. You may find that a project wraps up, or you’ll need to adjust your work habits to maintain balance. It’s a moment of release, pushing you to address any stress or imbalance in your day-to-day responsibilities.

Venus debuts in Sagittarius that same day, shifting your focus toward improving your income or reevaluating how you spend your money. In this Fire sign, Venus encourages you to take a more optimistic approach toward building wealth… but, you’ll also want to keep an eye on your spending habits. After all, Venus will clash with Saturn on Oct. 28, reminding you to balance pleasure with discipline. Worst-case scenario? You may feel restricted or face a financial reality check, especially related to creative projects or personal ventures.

Toward the end of the month, Mercury will oppose Uranus in your relationship sector, bringing unexpected changes to your relationships. These could affect your career trajectory or financial plans. Whether it’s a sudden shift in business collaborations or surprising news in personal finances, you’ll need to stay adaptable as new opportunities or challenges arise.

Sagittarius (Nov. 22–Dec. 21)

Horoscope Sign Sagittarius

Horoscope Sign Sagittarius

In October, the cosmos pushes you to reassess your long-term goals, fine-tune your financial strategies and balance professional ambitions with personal obligations, Sagittarius.

Kicking off with a solar eclipse in Libra on Oct. 2 — bringing emphasis to your 11th house of associations, community affairs and future visions — this eclipse offered you a chance to redefine your long-term goals as you may find yourself rethinking your place within a group or industry. It’s an excellent time to set new career intentions, especially those involving collaborations or future planning.

Your celestial ruler, Jupiter, will station retrograde in Gemini on Oct. 9 — your seventh house of commitments, negotiations and significant others — encouraging you to revisit old contracts, renegotiate terms with business partners or reflect on the balance within professional relationships. This retrograde cycle is about slowing down and evaluating how you’ve been working with others. Be mindful of any legal or business agreements that need more attention, as they may require revisions before moving forward.

The pace intensifies on Oct. 11, when Pluto stations direct in your second house of finances and personal stability. This is an opportunity to regain control over your money matters. The same goes for those with financial struggles, as this is a time to address them with confidence and clarity. Pluto direct encourages a more transformative approach to handling resources, particularly when saving and investing.

On Oct. 17, a full moon in Aries will ignite your fifth house of self-expression, bringing a sense of culmination to any creative projects or side ventures. If you’ve been working on something that showcases your talents, this lunation could be the time for it to come to fruition. It’s also a great moment for recognition; however, make sure your personal flair doesn’t overshadow the need for practicality and discernment.

That same day, Venus will debut in your sign, bringing a boost of charm and magnetism to your professional presence. You may find that others are drawn to your ideas, making it easier to pitch concepts or attract new opportunities.

Do keep in mind that Venus will eventually square Saturn on Oct. 28, as this challenges you to balance personal ambitions with responsibilities in your personal life. You may feel pressure from both ends, needing to find a way to advance in your career while maintaining stability on the home front.

Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 19)

Horoscope Sign Capricorn

Horoscope Sign Capricorn

With an emphasis on personal transformation, October encourages you to embrace your leadership potential while considering how your daily work life supports your long-term visions, Capricorn.

October kicked off with a new moon solar eclipse in Libra that shook up your 10th house of career, ambition and reputation. It’s a moment where your hard work could be recognized, so stay open to new opportunities that align with your long-term goals.

Jupiter will also station retrograde in Gemini on Oct. 9, activating your sixth house of daily routines and productivity levels. You may need to slow down as this retrograde cycle may bring up unfinished business or show you where improvements are necessary in your habits. While it may feel like progress is delayed, it’s an important time to reassess your day-to-day responsibilities and how they impact you personally and professionally.

One of the biggest shifts this month comes when Pluto stations direct in your sign on Oct. 11, marking a pivotal time for personal transformation. Pluto direct empowers you to step into your authority with more confidence.

If you’ve been undergoing a long process of internal change, you’ll likely start to see how these shifts have influenced your persona in the public eye. All in all, you’re aligning with your power, which will likely have a ripple effect on your career decisions and professional presence. 

On Oct. 13, Mercury will slip into Scorpio, activating your 11th house of social networks and professional connections. This transit invites you to focus on collaboration and long-term goals, especially through meaningful conversations with colleagues or business partners. Networking becomes a key theme, and you’ll benefit from discussing shared visions and future plans.

Venus enters Sagittarius on the same day as the full moon (Oct. 17), shifting your focus toward rest and retreat. While this may bring a quieter, more reflective energy to your professional life, it also encourages you to focus on working behind the scenes. You may find that working in solitude or tying up loose ends on long-term projects can be especially rewarding at this time.

Finally, an opposition between Mercury and Uranus on Oct. 30 highlights tensions between your long-term goals and self-expression. You may feel pulled between sticking to your carefully planned strategies and taking bold, innovative steps.

While unexpected changes may throw you off course, they might simultaneously inspire you to think outside the box and approach your goals in a brand-new way.

Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 18)

Horoscope Sign Aquarius

Horoscope Sign Aquarius

Stay open to new possibilities, but don’t forget to address any underlying financial concerns as you move forward, Aquarius. October offers growth as long as you stay flexible and strategic.

Starting with a solar eclipse activating your ninth house of growth, higher learning and self-discovery, consider expanding your career by broadening your horizons, whether that’s pursuing advanced training, international opportunities or a new philosophical outlook that shapes your professional trajectory. Don’t be afraid to set bold new goals, but be prepared for sudden changes as eclipses can bring the unexpected.

On Oct. 9, Jupiter will station retrograde in Gemini, urging you to reconsider the way you cultivate your talents in a professional setting. This retrograde cycle invites you to reconnect with your passion projects or revisit creative ventures you’ve set aside. It could feel like things are slowing down or being reviewed, but this process will help you fine-tune your approach and ensure your work aligns with what brings you true joy.

Once Mercury slips into Scorpio on Oct. 13, your career and sense of authority become a focal point. Expect deeper conversations around your professional goals, and be prepared to dive into more strategic thinking.

This is an ideal time for negotiations, job applications or promotions. You’ll be more detail-oriented and intuitive in your professional communications, which can give you an edge in complex projects.

On Oct 17, the moon will peak in Aries, activating your third house of communication and immediate surroundings. You may receive important news or find yourself wrapping up a project that requires clear communication and decisive action. This lunation offers clarity, helping you navigate any career-related conversations or negotiations with precision.

Venus enters Sagittarius that same day, energizing your 11th house of networking and long-term visions. You’ll have an easier time connecting with others, which can open doors to collaborations or projects within your social circle or professional community.

However, watch for potential tension on Oct. 28, when Venus squares Saturn. You may feel the weight of financial responsibility or limitations in reaching your goals, requiring careful budgeting and management of your finances.

Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20)

Horoscope Sign Pisces

Horoscope Sign Pisces

Your career and finances are going through important transformations, and while the month may present challenges, it also offers key opportunities for long-term growth and stability, Pisces.

October kicked off with a solar eclipse in Libra, igniting your eighth house of transformation, taxes and shared assets, signaling a potent time for setting new intentions around debts, loans or joint ventures. You may be prompted to restructure financial agreements or make important decisions.

As   Pluto stations direct in Capricorn on Oct. 11 — charging up your 11th house of networks, collaborations and future goals —  this could bring resolution to power struggles or the emergence of new opportunities through your professional connections. It’s an excellent time to think about how your role within groups or organizations can transform, offering potential for growth.

When Mercury enters Scorpio on Oct. 13, activating your ninth house of expansion, wisdom and unknown territory, you may feel inspired to dream bigger and explore new horizons in your career. This is an excellent period for career development through learning opportunities, whether furthering your education or seeking an international perspective. This shift encourages deep thinking about where you’re headed, professionally and financially.

Mid-month, there will be a full moon in Aries — highlighting your second house of values, income, and stability — which can manifest as a financial culmination of sorts, such as receiving payments or finally settling debts. You’re encouraged to reassess how your personal values align with your current financial situation.

Venus enters Sagittarius and your career sector that same day, turning up the charm in your professional sphere while encouraging you to venture into new territories in your career. Keep in mind that Venus will eventually clash with Saturn in your sign on Oct. 28, which can feel restrictive and burdensome, but this is a reminder to stay grounded and patient as you pursue long-term career goals.

The end of the month brings some unpredictability as Mercury opposes Uranus on Oct. 30, creating potential disruptions and surprises in communication. Stay flexible in your professional dealings and be open to unexpected changes in your plans.

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