Haley and Trump battle for delegates, while Biden scores early wins

Almaluz Miranda shows her “I Voted” sticker after she cast her ballot in Los Angeles. (Allen J. Schaben/Los Angeles Times via Getty Images)

Super Tuesday polls are closing across on the East Coast. Here is what some of the voters around the country have said throughout the day:


Seth De Penning, 40, said he voted for Nikki Haley on Tuesday because the GOP “needs a course correction.” De Penning told the Associated Press that his choice was a “vote of conscience” and that he has never voted for Trump.


Katherine Meredith, 65, told Reuters she voted for Trump despite living in the overwhelmingly Democratic state of California. Meredith, who is from Huntington Beach, an Orange County city that has a significant number of Trump voters, told the outlet her biggest concern is that “the border is a complete catastrophe.”


“Donald Trump’s volatility scares me,” Portland resident Barbara Tracy, 59, told the Associated Press. “I think he’s a great candidate for us fiscally. But in all of the other areas, I’m a little nervous.”

“I wish he’d keep his trap shut every once in a while, but I thought he was a really good president,” another resident, Lucie Tardif, 67, said. “That’s what matters to me.”

North Carolina

Michael Bankhead, 50, was the first person to show up at the polling station at the Mecklenburg County YMCA. He told the Charlotte Observer that he cared most about the presidential election and less about the many other primary races being held in the state, especially after “everything Trump did.”

“If you don’t vote, you can’t complain,” he added.


Valerie Bramble, 26, was one of the few young voters at a voting booth in McAllen, Texas.

“We are the younger generation and whatever we decide to vote on today or this year is going to determine a lot for the next four years of our life,” she told the Associated Press. “I don’t think a lot of people really understand that.”

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