EMIGRANT, a Ukrainian Singer Whose Art Is Changing the World

People all over the world have been holding their breath watching Ukraine, raising funds, spreading awareness, and helping in all ways they can. Both those who stayed in their home country and those who sought safety in immigration have endured horrifying loss, immense suffering, and excruciating pain. Nevertheless, amidst the horrors of war, Ukrainian people do not lose their strength and continue to fight for their freedom. Many Ukrainian artists have made it their life goal to provide relief and spread the message of hope to those who need it most. Today, we want to introduce EMIGRANT, a Ukrainian singer making a real change in the world with his art.

EMIGRANT, a Ukrainian Singer Whose Art Is Changing the World

The Ukrainian singer Volodymyr Prysiazhnyi, who performs under the stage name EMIGRANT, is set on spreading the beauty of Ukrainian culture and language and telling the world about the strength and resilience of Ukrainians. His songs touch on a large variety of subjects that people of diverse backgrounds can relate to. For example, immigration and the dire process of cultural integration become the central topic in EMIGRANT’s single “Emigrant Mama.” If you look beyond the fast-paced beat and catchy tune of the song, you will see the struggles so many immigrants have to face in the US.

EMIGRANT, a Ukrainian Singer Whose Art Changes the World

EMIGRANT’s multi-cultural experience translates in his projects both sonically and visually. The music video for his latest single, “The Power of Ukraine,” which was created together with Alyosha, features profound Ukrainian-language lyrics, a contemporary sound, and a breathtaking backdrop of the Grand Canyon. The different parts of the singer’s identity link together beautifully to create a diverse experience that speaks to everyone regardless of background.

EMIGRANT, a Ukrainian Singer Whose Art Changes the World

In the songs “Lullaby” and “Warrior,” the motifs of the ongoing war reach their high point. Both these singles tell the story of the Ukrainian people in a slightly different light. “Warrior” is a battle cry intended to show the determination of Ukrainian soldiers to fight for their country. At the same time, “Lullaby” provides a more poignant, personal, and emotional insight into the mind of someone who went through unimaginable pain and loss.

But EMIGRANT and his eponymous project are not only about art. The singer and his team work tirelessly to raise funds and send humanitarian aid to Ukraine to directly help those in need. EMIGRANT also performs at various charity events to help raise money for the cause.

300Magazine is grateful for the opportunity to highlight Ukrainian artists and express support for the country currently battling for its independence. Thanks to creatives like EMIGRANT, the world will never forget the triumphs and sacrifices of the Ukrainian people.

Photo courtesy of EMIGRANT

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