Workplace AI Use Frameworks : deutsch telekom ai

Deutsche Telekom is one of the leading telecommunications companies in the world, with a presence in more than 50 countries and over 200 million customers. As a digital pioneer, Deutsche Telekom recognizes the potential and challenges of artificial intelligence (AI), which is transforming various aspects of society and business. To ensure that AI is used in positive and responsible ways, Deutsche Telekom has developed nine self-binding guidelines for its own AI-based products and services.

The nine guidelines are: responsible, careful, supporting, transparent, secure, reliable, trustworthy, cooperative, and illustrative. They cover various aspects of AI development and deployment, such as accountability, ethics, customer orientation, data protection, quality assurance, risk management, human-machine interaction, and education. The guidelines are based on the core values of Deutsche Telekom, such as customer satisfaction, innovation, integrity, and social responsibility. They also reflect the principles of the European Union’s General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and the Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union.

The purpose of the guidelines is to provide a framework for Deutsche Telekom’s employees, partners, and customers to use AI in a beneficial and ethical manner. The guidelines are not meant to be static or rigid, but rather to evolve with the changing technological and social landscape. They are also intended to foster dialogue and collaboration with various stakeholders, such as regulators, academics, civil society organizations, and other industry players. By following these guidelines, Deutsche Telekom aims to become a leader and role model in the field of AI.

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