Even Trump’s Lawyer Doesn’t Really Know What He’s Being Charged With

  • Donald Trump was indicted for a second time, but it appears that even his lawyer is unsure what they are.
  • His attorney revealed the nature of the charges to CNN, but cautioned that it was not “biblically accurate.”
  • The seven charges are rumored to be linked to espionage, obstruction, false statements and conspiracy.

Former President Donald Trump was indicted for a second time on Thursday in the Mar-a-Lago records case, but even his lawyer seems to be unsure what the charges exactly are. 

Speaking to CNN’s Kaitlin Collins on Thursday evening, Trump’s lawyer Jim Trusty said his legal team had not been provided with an indictment charge sheet. Instead, the team had been sent a summons by the Department of Justice, asking Trump and his legal team to be present at the courthouse on Tuesday. 

He said that the summons suggested what the charges against Trump were, but he was not “100{dec8eed80f8408bfe0c8cb968907362b371b4140b1eb4f4e531a2b1c1a9556e5} clear what the seven charges would be.”

Trusty said the summons hinted at an Espionage Act charge, several obstruction-based charges, and false statements charges. When asked by Collins whether there was a conspiracy charge in the summons, Trusty said: “I believe so.”

However, Trusty cautioned that what he was saying was not “biblically accurate.”

“There’s language in there that might actually be reflecting a single count instead of two, but I think there was a conspiracy count as well,” he said to Collins.  

If Trump’s convicted of violating the Espionage Act, he could face a maximum penalty of 10 years in prison. The law criminalizes the illegal removal of any sensitive materials which relate to national defense. 

Reporters from ABC News tweeted the rumored charges against Trump, which carry sentences of five to 20 years if convicted. 


Trump’s legal team did not immediately respond to requests for comment from Insider sent outside regular business hours.

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