Lara Trump’s Bonkers Claim About Donald Trump Falls Apart In Just Minutes

Lara Trump’s latest bold claim about her father-in-law, Donald Trump, got a near-instant fact-check on Monday.

During an appearance on Newsmax, Lara Trump ― wife of Eric Trump ― crowed about special prosecutor John Durham’s report criticizing the FBI’s handling of the Russia investigation.

“How many times has what he said actually come true? Pretty much everything he ever talked about – and, by the way, he was mocked for saying – have all come true,” she said.

The former president had claimed Durham would uncover “the crime of the century.” Instead, the report called the FBI’s activities “extremely troublesome,” and concluded the agency shouldn’t have launched its collusion probe, but did not recommend new charges or “wholesale changes” to guidelines or policy.

Trump’s critics were quick to point out that that’s a far cry from “pretty much everything he ever talked about” coming true, especially given that he made more than 30,000 false or misleading claims during his four years in office, according to a Washington Post tally.

They quickly fired back on Twitter:

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