AI snitches on naughty Brits who won’t stay home during coronavirus pandemic

The decision to place the UK on a police-enforced lockdown couldn’t have come sooner, new AI analysis of traffic footage has revealed. Until last night, Brits had been merely been advised to avoid “non-essential” travel. Not many of them were listening, according to research by Vivacity Labs, a startup that makes camera-based traffic sensors. Researchers checked if more people were staying at home by comparing road usage last week with the week starting on 3 February. They found just 30{d9c4d960ee45891fbf714ed8da589b701a1be4efa840b87811584c6b796cb03f} fewer pedestrians on the road. There was an even smaller drop in vehicles. Car and motorcycle traffic was down 15{d9c4d960ee45891fbf714ed8da589b701a1be4efa840b87811584c6b796cb03f}, while…

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SOURCE: The Next Web – Read entire story here.